Etherpad Is Utilities For Multi Chain

Etherpad is a decentralized launchpad that allows user to launch their own token and create their own initial token sale.

Number project of utilities


Total Launchpad


Total Lock

Etherpad token with Ethereum network

We take a holistic approach to ensure security. We conduct regular audits and ensure that all systems and infrastructure in the ethereum are continually improved to meet the highest security standards.

Etherpad is easly ways contributors for token vesting

Etherpad offers multiple other features to help you with the overall token launch, such as automatic listing of your token on uniswap, pancakeswap, shibaswap, shusiswap, and quickswap, all whilst giving you the ability to lock your lp and adding an optional vesting priod for your tokens.

powering tools and integrations around the world

The most values utilities for the investing future

We are still build utilities for token investing etherpad platform


Raise funds to provide liquidity for new cryptocurrencies. Liquidity allows people to trade the token on the market. Without liquidity, investors can’t buy nor sell digital assets, namely tokens.


Bring trust to your liquidity pool (LP) with the most secure and trusted lockers in the space. We are the proud creators of this technology and we do not cut corners.


Etherpad will provide eth rewards for holders who stake etherpad tokens. The reward is obtained from the results of the etherpad token transaction tax fee (1%), and transaction fees for using our utilities such as generating tokens, locking, pre-sales, etc.

Etherpad Detail Token

Please be careful of fake etherpad token addresses, valid etherpad token addresses are below

Etherpad is a decentralized launchpad that allows user to launch their own token and create their own initial token sale.

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